CBD Gummies are bite-size, fruit flavoured instilled with premium quality, hemp-based Nano-CBD.
Capsules are a basic and also efficient means of taking CBD, but they’re absolutely nothing compared to the fantastic taste and also flavour of an activated CBD gummy.
You can satisfy your craving for sweets and also obtain a hit of turned on CBD any place you go.
- 20mg CBD Per Gummy
Available in 7 & 30 Gummy packs.
Hemp Extract, sugar, glucose syrup, invert sugar syrup, sorbitol, gelling agent: pectin; fruit juice concentrate: apple (1%); acid: cirtic acid; acid regulator: trisodium citrate, natural flavours: orange, pineapple, apple, lemon, strawberry, blackberry; colours: spirulina concentrate, paprika extract, tumeric, black carrot concentrate. 20mg CBD per Gummy Bear.